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Exploring the Depth of Green IT

As digital transformation continues, our use of technology influences our impact on the environment. With this infographic, we wanted to urge the importance of integrating a sustainable development approach into IT strategy and present a different face of sustainability-related visuals.

my role


I was responsible for creating low-fidelity wireframes and illustrations in Illustrator refined into high-fidelity prototypes using Invision.


Pierre Loïc Kuhn • Content Writer

The Project

Step by Step

Goals & Objectives

The Project in Detail

With this infographic, we aimed to not only emphasize the importance of integrating a sustainable development approach into IT strategy but also to present a different perspective on sustainability-related visuals.

Nature around us is complex, not only composed of shades of green and beautiful trees! That is why I represented the whole ecosystem, starting high up in the sky, amongst the planets and the stars. As we scroll down, we discover more of our planet with trees, plants, and even humans! Then, almost like a parallel of diving deeper into the content, we start diving deeper into the sea, encountering various marine creatures like fishes, seaweeds, and corals.

Interested in reading further? You can find the complete infographic below:

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The Project in Detail

With this infographic, we aimed to not only emphasize the importance of integrating a sustainable development approach into IT strategy but also to present a different perspective on sustainability-related visuals.

Nature around us is complex, not only composed of shades of green and beautiful trees! That is why I represented the whole ecosystem, starting high up in the sky, amongst the planets and the stars. As we scroll down, we discover more of our planet with trees, plants, and even humans! Then, almost like a parallel of diving deeper into the content, we start diving deeper into the sea, encountering various marine creatures like fishes, seaweeds, and corals.

Interested in reading further? You can find the complete infographic below:

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